2024 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Information Processing
AIIIP 2023
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第二届人工智能与智能信息处理技术国际学术会议(AIIIP 2023)成功举办

2023 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Information Processing (AIIIP 2023) Successfully Held


20231124-26日,第二届人工智能与智能信息处理技术国际学术会议(AIIIP 2023)在中国杭州以线上线下相结合的形式举办。多位专家学者齐聚现场,线上线下共吸引了数一百余人参会,共同分享和研讨相关领域的最新科研成果和发展趋势。

2023 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Information Processing (AIIIP 2023) was held from November 24 to 26, 2023, in Hangzhou, China, in a combination of online and offline conference. A number of experts and scholars gathered at the scene, where more than 100 participants both online and offline shared and discussed the latest research achievements and development trends in related fields.



 大合照 - group photo




Wang jianjun, Vice President of Zhejiang University of Water Resources and Electric Power, addressing the opening ceremony of the conference



主讲1-Keynote Speaker Ⅰ

张宏纲 教授,之江实验室

Prof. Honggang Zhang, Zhejiang Lab, China

Speech Title: The Thinking and Practice on Establishing NetGPT



主讲2-Keynote Speaker Ⅱ

刘进锋 教授,阿尔伯塔大学

Prof. Jinfeng Liu, University of Alberta, Canada

Speech Title: Control Invariant Set Enhanced Reinforcement Learning



主讲3-Keynote Speaker Ⅲ

谭皓文 教授,浙江理工大学

Prof. Haowen Tan, Zhejiang Sci-tech University, China

Speech Title: Authenticated Key Management in Vehicular Networks



主讲4-Keynote Speaker Ⅳ

袁小锋 教授,中南大学

Prof. Xiaofeng Yuan, Central South University, China

Speech Title: Deep Learning-based Quality Prediction Modeling for Dynamic Industrial Processes with Spatial-temporal Attention-Based LSTM



主讲5-Keynote Speaker Ⅴ

佘青山 教授,杭州电子科技大学

Prof. Qingshan She, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China

Speech Title: Research on Multi-Scenario Transfer Learning for Brain-Computer Interface



主讲6-Keynote Speaker Ⅵ

张仁贡 教授,浙江禹贡信息科技有限公司

Prof. Rengong Zhang, Zhejiang Yugong Information Technology Co., Ltd., China

Speech Title: Smart Water Conservancy Construction Based on Double Center Platform



主讲7-Keynote Speaker Ⅶ

陈宇奇 教授,上海科技大学

Prof. Yuqi Chen, ShanghaiTech University, China

Speech Title: Code Integrity Attestation for PLCs using Black Box Neural Network Predictions


 Oral Presentation Ⅰ



Yuanyuan Shi, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, China



Shangwei Qiu, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, China



Bowen Zheng, Anhui Polytechnic University, China


本次第二届人工智能与智能信息处理技术国际学术会议(AIIIP 2023)成功召开,呈现了一场内容丰富、国际化的学术盛宴。专家学者们充分沟通信息、加强学术交流、砥砺创新思维,共同推动了智能计算与信号处理领域相关研究与应用的发展与进步,助力全球科技创新与科研人才培养。

The successful convening of 2023 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent InformationProcessing presented a rich, high-level, and international academic feast. Experts and scholars have fully communicated information, strengthened academic exchanges, and encouraged innovative thinking, jointly promoting the development and progress of related research and applications in intelligent computing and signal processing, and boosting global technological innovation and research talent cultivation.